Découvrez le monde Fiam: visseuses pneumatiques, électriques, systèmes de vissage, outils pneumatiques

Nous concevons et fabriquons des visseuses pneumatiques, électriques et  asservies, des solutions pour le vissage automatique et l’automatisation industrielle, des moteurs pneumatiques et  des outils pneumatiques pour augmenter la productivité et la fiabilité de votre processus industriel.

Fiam Academy

A&T 2024: with Fiam a focus on Open Innovation among business cases and university students.

A&T 2024: with Fiam a focus on Open Innovation among business cases and university students.

Once again this year at the A&T fair in Vicenza, Fiam returned to talk about Open Innovation. With the 2nd edition of the Workshop “From the Ideal to the Feasible: Concrete Experiences of Open Innovation in B2B” 2 international companies from the Vicenza area and 3 industrial design students shared their experiences. Find out more in the article!

Fiam Academy

Pourquoi l'installation précise de machines semi-automatiques est-elle cruciale ? 

Pourquoi l'installation précise de machines semi-automatiques est-elle cruciale ? 

Lisez l’article pour découvrir les 5 raisons d’investir dans un service d’installation « clé en main » de nos solutions de vissage semi-automatique.

Fiam Academy

Fiam is waiting for you at the

Fiam is waiting for you at the "International Fastening Forum" in Rust, Baden-Württemberg, for a focus on Automation of tightening processes 

Nicola Bacchetta speaker during the event « International Fastening Forum » of HS-Technik in Rust, Baden-Württemberg – Germany.
His lecture “Automation in tightening assembly – When are feeding systems worthwhile?” will be one of the 8 talks given by international speakers on the assembly theme.

Register for the event to participate, we are waiting for you!