Fiam Stories
SME Day: the students visit Fiam
To make the world of work and the economic and production reality of the companies of the territory touchable: this has been the target of the SME Day, a day dedicated to the small and medium enterprises, organized by Confindustria Vicenza, the Confederation of the Industries of Vicenza. During this initiative, Fiam has been one of the 35 associated companies that have opened their doors to 1.400 students coming from 26 schools of the territory.
20 December 2017 -
Fiam Thinking
The Lean project in Fiam: interview with the Sales Manager Nicola Bacchetta
The Lean Production, which is the philosophy having as its objective the waste minimization in production, was born in Japan in the automotive company Toyota in the half of the 20th century. From there it spread quickly in all the major world economic realities, overcoming the mass production principles.
14 December 2017 -
Fiam Stories
Industrial assembly in the aeronautical sector. 2 solutions by Fiam
Fiam’s proven experience in the international industrial assembly sector has solved many applications in different productive sectors
06 December 2017 -
Fiam Care
Practical advice for the efficiency of compressed air installations in tightening systems
How can you verify if the pressure level in the production line, measured in BARS, is effective for your air tools? How can you optimize your production operating costs? Here is some practical advice for the efficiency of the compressed air systems concerning tightening solutions
27 November 2017 -
Fiam Academy
Training on the tightening process. Increase your skills with Fiam!
Increase your skills with Fiam’s training programs on the tightening process, but not only that! Every year we organize in our headquarter in Vicenza, but not only there, seminars about the “Industrial tightening process”.
22 November 2017 -
Fiam Thinking
Work stations and compressed air systems. How to help workers through ergonomic solutions.
The different air supply systems that we can find in the production sites can influence the correct use of air screwdrivers by operators. It can indeed happen that the incorrect position of the worker’s hand-arm system, because of the feeding hose position, can cause fatigue during the tightening process…
15 November 2017 -
Fiam Stories
How do you save time in tightening processes? A practical case solved by Fiam
What are the main breakthroughs in the industrial field for saving time in tightening processes?
25 October 2017 -
Fiam Care
Practical tips for avoiding mistakes during the assembly process. Poka Yoke systems
How many inconveniences are the result of inadvertent errors during production processes in your company? What impact do they have on your productivity? On Japan’s assembly lines, these mistakes are known as “poka” and are the most common cause of rejects…
18 October 2017 -
Fiam Academy
How to reduce the risk of hand-arm vibration and reaction
Anyone who has ever used screwdrivers on an assembly line knows how important it is to employ ergonomically designed tools, which are key to operator health and safety in the workplace: such conditions are also necessary to reduce rejects and production downtime, as well as improve the quality standard of the finished product…
11 October 2017 -
Fiam Thinking
Welcome to the new Fiam blog!
It’s in this spirit that we’d like to welcome you to the new Fiam blog: a space organized into four subject categories that we thought would interest you, with people who work at Fiam – and who are in daily contact with the manufacturing world – doing the actual writing…
04 October 2017